Waan’s Story

God’s direction in failed relationship When I was in high school, I met a guy who started showing interest in me. He was fun to be with and had a nice car always taking me out. We began dating in college. But my friends and family started seeing things they didn’t like. They thought he

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Kat’s story

God’s purpose in adoption My son’s birth Mom was young and unmarried when she found out she was pregnant, She did not know what to do. She wanted to give her baby his best chance and so decided to keep her pregnancy a secret so she could give him life without shame. She gave birth

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Yui’s Story

God’s plan in loss Some years ago, a very special baby was born. She was our third child but unlike our first two, she was born with Trisomy 18, a chromosomal defect. Sadly, she only lived for 2-1/2 months, but God allowed her life to touch many people. When I was 4 months pregnant, we

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Pam’s Story

God’s provision in miscarriage I stared in horror at the blood. I knew instantly that the sweet baby inside of me had died. Just a week earlier we had seen the baby moving on an ultrasound and heard its heart beating. I called my doctor and went to the hospital to get another ultrasound. Instead

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Jessie’s Story

God’s Forgiveness in Abortion Have you ever faced a serious situation caused by your own bad choices and you must face the problem all by yourself? You feel fear, shame and misery. That was me many years ago when as a single college student, I found out I was pregnant. I was overwhelmed by the

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Cassie’s Story

God’s Hope in Infertility After two years of marriage, my husband and I decided to have children but 1 year later we were unsuccessful and eventually diagnosed with infertility. Another year passed with 3 failed fertility treatments. The following year brought more disappointment with a failed adoption. I felt great sadness thinking I would never

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